
은행 예금이 가장 위험한 자산?

황태자의 사색 2021. 11. 17. 08:54

원금 보장이라는 단어 때문에 은행 예금을 당연시 여기는 경향이 있다

The word principal guarantee tends to take bank deposits for granted

그러나 은행 예금이 가장 위험한 자산이다      But bank deposits are the most dangerous asset
이유는 인플레이션 때문이다 돈의 가치가 하락하는 것이다

The reason is that inflation is causing the value of money to fall

은행 예금이 주는 이자는 물가상승률보다 낮다   그러므로 예금되어 있는 돈의 가치는 계속 떨어진다

Interests from bank deposits are lower than inflation
Therefore, the value of money deposited continues to fall

기본적인 생활비 이외에는 투자를 함으로써 돈이 일을 해야 돈의 가치를 증가시킬 수 있다
Other than basic living costs, investing can increase the value of money by making money work

은행 예금이 가장 위험한 자산?    Bank deposits are the most dangerous assets?