
존리 대표님 tvn 유퀴즈온더블럭

황태자의 사색 2021. 11. 15. 19:49

부자는 돈으로부터 독립하는 것이다    The rich are independent of money

가능한한 돈을 중요시여기고 함부로 소비하지 말라

Don't spend as much money as possible and not as much as you can

부자처럼 보이려고 하지 말고 진짜 부자가 되어라     Don't try to look rich, but be rich

부자처럼 보이려고 해서 가난해지는 것이다     It is to be poor because it tries to look rich

경제활동에서 소비만큼 중요한 것이 투자다

Investment is as important as consumption in economic activity

소비와 투자가 함께 움직여야 한다     Consumption and investment must move together

과소비하지 말아라     Don't overspend

부자가 되지 못하는 이유는 사교육  자동차 그리고 부자처럼 보이려는 라이프스타일 때문이다
The reason why I can't be rich is because of private cars and a lifestyle that looks like rich people

분산투자를 하라    make a distributed investment

타이밍을 맞추려고 하는 것이 가장 잘못된 투자 방법이다

Trying to time is the most wrong way to invest

주식투자는 매입주가와 상관없이 장기투자로 수익을 기대하는 것이다
Stock investment is expected to be profitable from long-term investment regardless of the purchase price

주식투자는 안파는 기술이다 오랫동안 보유하는 것이다

Stock investment is a technology that is not sold.It is a long-held possession

매도이유는 산업의 성장성이 낮아질때와 경쟁구도의 변화로 인한 비용상승 때에 매도하는 것이다
The reason for selling is to sell when the growth of the industry is low and when the cost increases due to changes in the competition structure

사교육을 끊고 투자를 하라    Cut off private education and invest

좋은 주식을 고른다는 것은 동업한다는 의미다    Picking good stocks means working with a partner

주식은 장기간 투자를 늘려가는 것이다     Stocks are increasing long-term investment