
책 존리의 부자되기 습관 중에서

황태자의 사색 2021. 11. 14. 17:13

부자가 되려면 나를 불편하게 하라     Make me uncomfortable to be rich

매일매일 운동을 해야 건강한 신체를 유지할 수 있듯이 경제독립도 매일매일 부자가 되는 라이프스타일을 

유지해야 가능해진다

Just as you can maintain a healthy body by exercising every day, economic independence is also possible by maintaining a lifestyle that becomes rich every day

경제적 자유는 하루아침에 이루어지지 않는다    Economic freedom is not achieved overnight

매일매일 좋은 소비 습관을 유지하고 축적된 여유자금이 가능한 한 오랫동안 일하게 하는

 리이프스타일을  이어 나간다면 경제독립은 절대로 어려운 일이 아니다

Keeping a good consumption habit every day and making sure that accumulated extra funds work as long as possible.
If we continue, economic independence is never a difficult thing

돈을 위해 내가 일할 것이 아니라 돈이 나를 위해 일하게  만들어야 한다
I'm not going to work for money, I'm going to work for money  It must be made

복리의 마법은 하루라도 일찍 시작하는 사람에게 유리하다

The magic of welfare is advantageous for those who start even one day early

펀드 선물은 곧 미래를 선물하는 것이다  A fund gift is a gift for the future

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