
존 리 대표님 달란트 투자와의 대화

황태자의 사색 2021. 11. 14. 20:11

절대로 희망을 잃지 말아라       Never lose hope

부자가 되는 라이프스타일로 바꾸라      Turn to a rich lifestyle

투자를 무조건 시작하라     Start your investment unconditionally

퇴직연금펀드는 꼭 가입하라       Make sure you sign up for a retirement pension fund

가능한 주식 비중을 높여라         Raise the share of the shares available

장기적으로 꾸준하게 주식을 모으면 된다        We need to keep stock in the long run

노후준비 하는데 있어서 연금펀드가 가장 중요한 역할을 할것이다

Pension funds will play a major role in preparing for retirement

소액이라도 투자하면 복리의 마법으로 인해서 엄청난   수익률로 보답할 것이다
If you invest a small amount, you will be able to  I will repay you with a return

장기투자할때 기회를 많이 얻게 된다

You get a lot of opportunities when you invest in long-term investments

항상 투자가 되어 있어야 한다    It should always be an investment

훌륭한 기업을 찾아서  투자하라      Find a good company and invest

사교육비를 투자로 바꾸라       Turn private education into investment

여유자금으로 꾸준히 투자하라       Keep investing in extra funds

소비하는데 기쁨을 누리지 말고 투자하는데 기쁨을 누려라
Enjoy your investments, not the joy of spending


주식투자를 안하는 것이 위험하다 오직 투자하는 것만이 안전한 길이다

It is dangerous not to invest in stocks. Investing is the only safe way

'스토리1' 카테고리의 다른 글

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